Free ideas

Time is limited on Earth, so here are some quick shower thoughts of apps/side projects you could build:
- an app that converts speech into notes
- you can manually edit text, but only optionally, audio should be first
- just brain dump ideas:
- hold for quick ideas
- tap for continuous recording
- pinch out from note view to see the list of notes
Mutual Agreement Meetings
- make an app where you send a link to meeting attendants, they should vote if the meeting should take place or not
- three modes (set by the meeting host):
- democratic: a majority of votes say no => cancel the meeting
- all in all votes have to say yes => meeting takes place
- totalitarian: the majority of votes say no => meeting takes place
- all anonymous, only seen by people that you’ve shared the link with
- connect zoom / meet account to delete the meetings
Global Pomodoro Timer
- there exists only one, global, pomodoro timer: 25 minutes of focus, 5 minutes of break
- use it and study alongside other people/friends
- chat with people during breaks
- manipulate the timer based on the no. of sessions
Green Light, Red Light Typer
- wpm typer, but you can only type when it's green light
- press one character when it's a red light to instantly lose
- the game becomes to the most practical, not to the fastest typer
- users could make a video, and others could post their video on top of that
- imagine reddit r/all image where it was a mayhem
- this would be the global February tape for example
- where each user could, for free, add like 10 seconds of video and audio if he wants
- he could overwrite the current video or add it to the end
- you could make private tapes with friends (max. 5)
- create vlogs together, videos, etc.
- add filter-based themes
- users could only tape if their phone points to 130 degrees south
- only if the red% of the image is > 250 and brightness is < 50
- only if there are 12 degrees
- only if they scan a QR code in the video
Share with me on Twitter if you got any inspiration from those app ideas! Will add more soon...