are you asking your why?

are you asking your why?

one of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself is "why?". i find myself sometimes losing track of goals or even principles, but this quick (but mind you, not easy) question can bring me back on track.

oftentimes we're so involved in the day-to-day tasks that we forget the bigger picture, and why we're doing what we're doing.

  • you're going to work every day, but why? because you need money, but why? because you want to buy a house, but why? because you want to have a family, but why? because you want to be happy, but why? and this can keep going and going. the further you go, the more you'll understand yourself and your motivations.

  • you're studying for that exam, but why?

  • you're working on that project, but why?

  • ...

  • you're doing that thing, but why?

our time here is finite, and this question can help you make the most out of it. if you don't like the answer, you can change it. if you do, you can keep going, it's that simple.

so, are you asking your why?