Last steps of 2022
Quick summary
As for 2021, this year has been amazing, probably even better than the last one. Most of my wishes, if not all of them, have been accomplished!! The grind and hard work have been intense, but the rewards and lessons learned are priceless. So, here's a quick recap of what happened:
Starting the year, I worked at Landmarks for four months, where I was able to significantly improve my front-end skills and gained valuable experience collaborating on a team project. A great highlight of the first quarter was the opportunity to prototype a new extension with @pondorasti. This made me play with liveblocks, and was amazed by its powers. In addition to this, I made a romanian wordle clone, and other small projects like KeepTheStreak. Check out the full list on my GitHub. I also participated in the National Stage of the 2022 National FIRST Competition with the Esentza Robotics team.
In addition to High-School, I also took Missing Semester, which further enhanced my technical abilities. Later, I had the opportunity to work at Deta, where I contributed to the development of the new Personal Cloud ✨. Outside of my professional endeavors, I participated in two summer camps and organized a two-week robotics summer camp alongside my teammates. In my spare time, I also prepared a lot and got my driving license. Toward the end of the year, I ended up purchasing my very own car.
Now over to my favorite section ─ les statistiques ✨.
Media consumption
Activity | Time |
Mac Screen Time | 5:45hr on average [2.100 hours in total] |
High-School | 5-6hr on average [935 hours in total] |
iPhone Screen Time | 1:22hr on average [536 hours in total] |
Cycling | 17 hours [334km] |
Click on the flashcards to discover more about my year.
contributed to 9 organizations
a 36% decrease from 2021 :(
mostly on YouTube & Twitter
This year gave me probably the most amount of lessons. Here are some of the best recommendations I accumulated:
- If you can't decide, the answer is no
- Take the path more painful in the short term
- To think clearly, and understand the basics. Don't memorize
- Happiness is about the absence of desire, especially the absence of desire for external things
- "A rational person can find peace by cultivating indifference to things outside of their control"
- Put yourself and your work out there every day
- When changing/implementing a new habit, you also have to change your identity based on it
- You may want more money, but if your identity is someone who consumes rather than creates, then you'll continue to be pulled towards spending rather than earning
- Design your environment for success
- Be confident, those that are winning, only feel more confident after a win, and those who lose are weak
- Be friends with people who want the best for you
- Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
- The successful people sacrifice.
- Leave your phone on do not disturb all-day
- Spend more time with people who give you energy
- There is no such thing as failure, only failure to learn
- Don’t take things for granted. Say ‘wow’ and be grateful.
- The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself
This was what I wanted to share about this amazing year - thanks for reading! I hope 2023 will only offer prosperity while everyone will improve considerably.